古稀日記 6月3日 「Thinking of you.」


“Thinking of you”
How are you and your family doing? I think of you a lot with Japan being in the
news due to the olympics right around the corner.
The US Olympic track and field team competition is being held here in Eugene this
month. Itʼs pretty exciting. This is such a strange/exciting/scary time we are living
in with the pandemic, race struggles, rise of fascism, etc. I hope you are doing well!
My family has all gotten vaccinated n doing well.
Much love,

“Thinking of you, too”
Hi, girlfriend!
SO good to hear from you. Iʼve thought of emailing you so often but the things
have been changing rapidly and I didnʼt know where to start. Hiroshi and I are
getting our first shot of vaccine next week. Vaccine rollout in Japan is very slow.
70% of population are against having the Olympic Games but the government is

determined to host the games. We have three grandchildren now. All boys. The
little one arrived last October. We managed to go to Tokyo to see the baby but
after that we couldnʼt travel across prefecture borders under the restrictions of
national emergency.
Lots of hugs,
